Elementary RESTORE
ACTIONS seeks to influence positive student behavior by coordinating efforts of schools, families, students and staff. One of the components of ACTIONS is the RESTORE classrooms. These two classrooms, primary and intermediate, may serve students from any Champaign Elementary School and are housed at the current Columbia building. With a very small staff to student ratio, intensive social and emotional skills, as well as standards-based academic instruction delivered in a format that meets the needs of previously unsuccessful students, students are able to find success (usually for the first time) in their educational journeys. Students are chosen by a committee after collaboration between RESTORE staff and building administration. Students are only enrolled when multiple interventions in the general education setting have been attempted and found ineffective, and parents agree to the enrollment. The RESTORE model is temporary and meant to boost skills, self-esteem, and give students the sense of being a capable learner.
Great relationships built with family and Restore staff
Daily communication via text, email or phone
Daily data collection system in place to track and offer student support
Students are held to high expectations, both academically and behaviorally
First time success for most students
Small student to teacher ratio, so all students get one on one support throughout the day
Full support of the RESTORE staff when students transition back to their home school
Weekly meetings with the student’s home school so the relationship continues with the home school, during the RESTORE enrollment period
Monthly incentives to teach students how to reach goals
Monthly community and service learning trips
Transitions plans and transition support for students when they return to their home school
Liaison that remains connected to the student through their Unit 4 car
Middle School RESTORE
Another component of ACTIONS is the Restore Middle School. Restore creates a welcoming, safe, and engaging environment for students who need a more intensive and supportive academic environment. Restore provides holistic opportunities for learners using a growth mindset, restorative practices, and an engaging SEL curriculum. Using district and community resources, students are in a position to grow academically and emotionally in order to become successful learners.
Key elements of Restore
Small teacher to student ratio(6-8 students per classroom)
High emphasis on social-emotional growth
Intensive academic supports
Family engagement
Service learning projects
Restorative practices/growth mindset
Transition plan for a student return to homeschool
Leadership opportunities built into the school climate
Students are held to high expectations